But usually on a daily basis I think of time as how it pertains to running and when will I be able to run. What time do I have to get up to squeeze in a run? Do I have time to get a run in before dinner is ready? What time will I have to get up to run at sunrise? What time will I have to run before sunset? What was my pace? What was my overall time? Was it my fastest time? How much time to I have before I have to be back home???
Ughhh. That saying, “Time is never on my side” couldn’t be truer. When I think about everything I have to go through to squeeze a run in it amazes me that I actually get it done most days that I set out to do so. Believe me; no one is more shocked than me. From the minute the alarm goes off at 5:40 am the grueling race begins. Depending on how long of a run I’m planning that morning I know I have to get moving out the door between 6 and 6:15. I then have to be back in time to get showered, dressed and help get the 3 kids fed, washed up, teeth brushed, dressed, hair brushed, and in the van by around 8:40 to be at school by 9. It’s an amazing race to say the least and I am very blessed to have a wonderful husband who helps get them out the door too!
If I can’t get up in the morning to go for a run I will try to do it between 9:15-10:45 while the kiddos are in preschool. It’s a win/lose situation because I feel a little less pressed for time and more awake but I have to push a jogger which isn’t as nice as running freely. My last chance to get a run in is usually in the p.m. but it breaks one of my golden rules. I won’t allow my running to come in between family time. I consider the evening to be for dining with my family and relaxing with my husband. Unfortunately, it is my FAVORITE time of day to run in. I tend to feel amazing running as the sun sets on a cool almost cold evening when I can barely see the hustle and bustle of everyday life, when the darkness blurs the mind-numbing clones of houses in my subdivision. I tend to run more relaxed, with energy, faster and overall better. But rarely do I take pleasure in that kind of a run unless I absolutely need to get away and out of the house.
So, early morning runs it is! Some people think I’m crazy and others think it is great. The fact of the matter is that I don’t have a triple jogger and wouldn’t want to push one anyways so unless I run at the crack of dawn, I just wouldn’t be able to get it in.
I know that some my question my sanity or think “I’m hardcore” but really I am not. I wish I was hardcore and could run several times a day and have varying workouts. But for me it is all about time and finding time. The other day my friend and I ran on a horribly windy day where pushing a stroller down a hill was as hard as pushing it up it! It was crazy, I admit it. But had I not done it, I wouldn’t have had any time for me that day. I wouldn’t have had the chance to make myself a stronger runner. The same goes for running in the cold and running in the heat (which I absolutely struggle with). Your body has to learn to run and deal with the elements, especially here in Chicagoland. If I decided not to run on a day which was too cold, too windy, too hot or too wet I wouldn’t have logged over 117 miles in since this January.
I also often wonder if people think I’m being unfair to Maya (my almost 19 month old). She is the one that has to sit in a jogging stroller while I’m running in freezing temps, rain, wind etc. I assure you I have a top of the line stroller with all weather gear that helps keep her happy. I could never run with a screaming child. It would kill the moment for me. Luckily she either babbles, takes in the sites or sleeps. I do my best to keep her happy in there and for no more than she needs to be. I ALWAYS want to make sure she is safe. But actually, today I wondered if someone was going to call DCFS on me!
Today was one of those days where I knew if I didn’t try to get a run in when the kiddos were at preschool, it just couldn’t happen. My husband has been out of town and won’t be back until tomorrow night. I had decided that I would suck it up and not run because it was hailing, thundering and absolutely pouring out there. I went, dropped the kids off and then headed home to clean. As soon as I pulled in the drive way I realized that it had cleared up to a fine drizzle. I ran in the house threw on my impermeable gear, put Maya in the jogger with the rain cover and went on my way. I had to deal with the wind picking up and wished I was wearing goggles but hey, at least I was getting my run in, right? All was good until about half way through I start hearing voices coming through the emergency speaker system in our town and then of course the emergency sirens come on. I first decide not to panic as it is a Tuesday. When the sirens don’t stop, then I start to panic! I am a worry wart by nature and this situation brought on a lot of horrible thoughts. What if there was a tornado coming? What if there was another hail storm coming? I had heard on the news that there were “micro-bursts” in the area and now I was just totally panicking. I felt like such a horrible mother! Then, finally the siren stopped. After a couple of minutes I realized I was probably right at first thought and that it was just the monthly test siren.
The whole incident made me realize how desperate I am for time. What I’ll do to get a run in for the day. I’d never put my children or myself in danger but I know that at times it must seem that way to others. I know I got a lot of strange looks in the sub today. But hey! I’m a busy mom of 3 young kids who has no time and has to make time. I take what I can get. What motivates me? Time. Knowing I get “me time”, knowing that in the long run I will live longer, be healthier and have more time with my husband, children and grandchildren to enjoy life and knowing that perhaps I can fight time with making time.
Here is one of my favorite Nike advertisements. It says it all!
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